Inline type definitions in treematch

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Treematch has enough knowledge to automatically (heuristically) generate an improved type definition from an existing one by inlining trivial types and types used once.

Only types with no mutual recursion can be inlined.


Id: 680c32f717854612ac9648a8a876d1e056ac5d17
Type: feature
Creation time: 2012-10-21 07:52 GMT
Creator: Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: treematch
Status: unstarted

Issue log

2012-10-21 07:52 GMT Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...> created
This might even work on more complex type definitions such as Expression in the C++ grammar, which has one (or at least only a few) entry point(s) and one recursive entry point. In between, there is no mutual recursion.