Implement back-transformation to GrammarAst

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Currently, the transformation AST -> GrammarType/AnalysisEnvType is one-way. Implement a back-transformation so we can review transformations done on these representations.


Id: 5148bbb8df0c9ba8d291602af93283daceea3221
Type: feature
Creation time: 2012-10-20 10:10 GMT
Creator: Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...>
Release: unassigned
Component: glr
Status: in progress in progress

Issue log

2012-10-21 10:27 GMT Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...> commented
Nonterminals are now also printed. TODO: spec funcs of terms, %prec, %forbid, subsets
2012-10-21 09:56 GMT Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...> changed status from unstarted to in_progress
Verbatims, options, decls, types, precs are done. Nonterminals are TODO.
2012-10-20 10:10 GMT Pippijn van Steenhoven <pippijn@...> created