Properties in C++

In object oriented programming languages, encapsulation is present in different ways. The Java and C++ approach is to write accessor and mutator (getter and setter) methods for every variable that needs to be accessed or mutated outside the set of class methods.

In C++, one can return a const reference to a data member from an accessor to prevent benign client code from corrupting the data. Java, not having const, can not prevent this at compile time, but can enforce access control at runtime through further mutators. For any given data member x, one can define an accessor getX and a mutator setX, to control the value to which x may be set. This method breaks transparency without adding value to object oriented design. C++ programmers tend not to use the prefixes get and set, but rather name their data member something different such as x_ or m_x. This keeps the name x free for the accessor ( T x ()) and the mutator ( void x (T)). Still, this does not help transparency very much. Consider the following code:

// Public data members
struct point
  int x;
  int y;

point p = { 1, 2 };
p.x += 20;

// Private data members with accessor/mutator functions
struct point
  int x () const { return x_; }
  int y () const { return x_; }
  void x (int v) { x_ = v; }
  void y (int v) { y_ = v; }

  // Needs a constructor, due to the private data members
  point (int xv, int yv) : x_ (xv), y_ (yv) { }

  // Private data members make the class non-standard layout,
  // disabling many optimisations and making the class a whole
  // lot less useful (for example, offsetof won't work, the
  // objects cannot be passed through `...', the objects cannot
  // be cast to a reference to their first data member's type, etc.
  int x_;
  int y_;

// aggregate initialisers won't work anymore
point p (1, 2);
p.x (p.x () + 20); // more code to be written for the same effect


Many modern programming languages provide a syntactic construct known as properties. Different languages have different ways of expressing the same idea: publicly accessible class data members with code attached that controls and validates input from client code. One may also attach code that calculates the actual value returned to the user. For instance, you might want to store the value in a database and transparently handle database queries using properties.

Previous attempts

Many have attempted to implement properties in C++. The common approach is to use a nested class. Emad Barsoum has implemented properties using a class template in which he stores the this pointer of the containing object and member function pointers to the get and set functions. This approach and implementation has several serious flaws:

Another approach is one of those which require compiler support and are therefore not acceptable as generic solution: The MSVC hack or Another MSVC hack.

The new approach

I present a zero-overhead approach which even has the very convenient benefit of being a trivial standard layout class, also known as Plain Old Data (or POD). These properties do not, by themselves, use any memory. Value properties use the memory required to store their value, non-value properties use the mandatory byte of memory that every empty struct is required to have. (This is, by the way, required in order to be able to take its address).

The prop class template

The prop class template is parametrised by the container type, the value type, the accessor and mutator functions and an offset function. As you can see, I did not use member function pointers anywhere. Instead, the object is passed as first argument to a free (namespace scope) or static member function. The reason for this is, plainly put, speed. Current C++ compiler do a pretty bad job at optimising dereferences of member function pointers, but a terrific job when it comes to static functions.

  typename Class,
  typename T,
  T const & (get) (Class const &),
  void (set) (Class &, T const &),
  size_t (offset) ()
struct prop

You may be wondering what the offset function is for. As I said earlier, this property has zero overhead, so it can't store the this pointer of its container. That is where the offset function comes in. We use it to calculate the location of the container's this in memory.

It is very important that this is a function, as we will see later.

The following two functions calculate the this pointer and return a reference to the parent object. Due to offset being a function and its location being known at compile time, it can easily be inlined.

Class &self ()
  return *reinterpret_cast<Class *> (reinterpret_cast<char *> (this)
                                     - offset ());

Class const &self () const
  return *reinterpret_cast<Class const *> (reinterpret_cast<char const *> (this)
                                           - offset ());

We need all assignment operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, ^=, |=, &=, <<= and >>=). We can define them all, because prop is a class template and ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E), paragraph 14.7.1, clause 1 states that "not the definitions or default arguments, of the class member functions, [...] [are implicitly instantiated when a class template is implicitly instantiated]". In other words, class templates are instantiated lazily, on demand.

prop &operator   = (T const &rhs) { set (self (), rhs); return *this; }
prop &operator  += (T const &rhs) { set (self (), get (self ())  + rhs); return *this; }
// Analogous for the other operators

These operators define all we need for the mutator, but not for the accessor. Instead of defining all operators (unary +, unary -, binary +, binary *, etc.), we can define operator T const & and the C++ compiler will take care of required conversions:

operator T const & () const
  return get (self ());

Now, all we need is a way to access members of the property. Then we are done:

  T *operator -> ()
    return &const_cast<T &> (get (self ()));

  T const *operator -> () const
    return &get (self ());

The const_cast is strictly considered undefined behaviour, but if the property itself is non-const, we know the value is non-const, as well. This is a dire hack, but I don't see a better way to solve it. One way would be to pass a non-const accessor function as additional template argument, but that would probably cause more code bloat than it is worth.

Value properties

The above class template provides support for properties that do not store their own value. Often, we want the value to be stored, though, and we do not want the overhead of storing it in the containing class (remember: empty classes still need one byte of storage). Therefore, we introduce another class template, called value_prop, with different accessor and mutator function types:

  typename Class,
  typename T,
  T const & (get) (Class const &, T const &),
  void (set) (Class &, T &, T const &),
  size_t (offset) ()
struct value_prop

Now, in addition to the container's this pointer, the accessor get and mutator set also receive a reference to the value stored in the instantiated property class template. get receives a const reference. Now, the operator definitions look slightly different:

value_prop &operator   = (T const &rhs) { set (self (), value, rhs); return *this; }
value_prop &operator  += (T const &rhs) { set (self (), value, get (self (), value)  + rhs);
                                          return *this; }

and the class has a public member variable called value. I decided to make it public so the instantiated class template would remain POD. This means one can, by directly accessing value, corrupt the class state, but benign client code will not do that.

Using properties

To use a property in a class, we need four things: the property object, the accessor, the mutator and very importantly, the offset function.

struct point
  // The X-coordinate
  value_prop<point, int, get_x, set_x, offset_x> x;
  static int const &get_x (point const &self, int const &property) { return property; }
  static void set_x (point &self, int &property, int const &value) { property = value; }
  static size_t offset_x () { return offsettof (point, x); }
  // The Y-coordinate
  int y_;
  prop<point, int, get_y, set_y, offset_y> y;
  static int const &get_y (point const &self) { return self.y_; }
  static void set_y (point &self, int const &value) { self.y_ = value; }
  static size_t offset_y () { return offsettof (point, y); }

The offset returned by the offset_* functions is the number of bytes between the location of the property object and the this pointer of the enclosing class. We use that in the prop class template to calculate the memory location of *this. The reason this is a function is simple: We need to pass the offset to the property class template somehow. The first possibility that comes to mind is storing it in a static class member or a global variable and passing a pointer to that. This makes the declaration of a property more messy and forgetting to actually define the global variable gives annoying undefined reference errors. We cannot make the value an integral constant, because the class we are invoking offsetof on is incomplete when we want to do it inside the class. If it has to be a variable, it has to have external linkage so the template accepts it. A function is the best solution I could come up with: it can be inlined completely, it does not have extra declaration or definition overhead and it can be passed as template argument.

The practiced reader will notice the use of offsetof and think "Hey, that will only work for POD structs". This is true, but as I mentioned earlier, both prop and value_prop are POD structs. This is 100% standard compliant.

ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E): 18.1 Types, clause 5:

The macro offsetof accepts a restricted set of type arguments in this International Standard. type shall be a POD structure or a POD union (clause 9).

ISO/IEC 14882:2003(E): 9.4 Classes, clause 4:

A POD-struct is an aggregate class that has no non-static data members of type non-POD-struct, non-POD-union (or array of such types) or reference, and has no user-defined copy assignment operator and no user-defined destructor.

The above does not mean POD structs may not have member functions.

Using macros

The above class definition is repetetive and error prone, so we use the following macros:

#define def_prop(T, Class, name, get, set)                                      \
  static size_t offset_ ## name () { return offsetof (Class, name); }           \
  static T const &get_ ## name (Class const &self) get                          \
  static void set_ ## name (Class &self, T const &value) set                    \
  ::prop<Class, T, get_ ## name, set_ ## name, offset_ ## name> name

#define def_value_prop(T, Class, name, get, set)                                \
  static size_t offset_ ## name () { return offsetof (Class, name); }           \
  static T const &get_ ## name (Class const &self, T const &property) get       \
  static void set_ ## name (Class &self, T &property, T const &value) set       \
  ::value_prop<Class, T, get_ ## name, set_ ## name, offset_ ## name> name

Now, we can rewrite the class definition of point as follows:

struct point
  def_value_prop (int, point, x,
      return property;
      property = value;

  int y_;

  def_prop (int, point, y,
      return self.y_;
      self.y_ = value;

We use value properties as well as normal properties here. Extra caution has to be taken with aggregate initialisers when doing this. It will generally not be an issue, since classes with non-value properties are unlikely to get aggregate initialisation.

The usage of def_prop and def_value_prop are as follows:

def_prop (type, type of parent, name, accessor code, mutator code);
def_value_prop (type, type of parent, name, accessor code, mutator code);

The problem with this macro is that it does not support code like this: { int a, b, c; }, because the commas would be interpreted as macro argument delimiters. One solution would be to use GCC's variadic macros to implement an UNPAREN macro:

#define UNPAREN_(x...) x
#define UNPAREN(x) UNPAREN_ x

The gained advantage is that commas can be used outside parentheses inside accessor and mutator code, the disadvantage is that all code needs to be enclosed in parentheses, making the other code plain ugly (uglier than it already is).

A larger example
struct point
  def_value_prop (int, point, x,
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      return property;
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      property = value;

  int y_;

  def_prop (int, point, y,
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      return self.y_;
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      self.y_ = value;

struct coordinate
  def_value_prop (point, coordinate, x,
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      return property;
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      property = value;

  point y_;

  def_prop (point, coordinate, y,
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      return self.y_;
      puts (__PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
      self.y_ = value;

main ()
  // Aggregate initialisers work as expected, even with classes
  // containing (classes containing properties) as properties
  // (parentheses added for disambiguation).
  coordinate p = { { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } };
  printf ("p.x->x == %d\n", (int) p.x->x); // Accessor and mutator called
  printf ("p.x->y == %d\n", (int) p.x->y);
  printf ("p.y->x == %d\n", (int) p.y->x);
  printf ("p.y->y == %d\n", (int) p.y->y);

The output would look something like this:

static const point& coordinate::get_x(const coordinate&, const point&)
static const int& point::get_x(const point&, const int&)
p.x->x = 2
static const point& coordinate::get_x(const coordinate&, const point&)
static const int& point::get_y(const point&)
p.x->y = 3
static const point& coordinate::get_y(const coordinate&)
static const int& point::get_x(const point&, const int&)
p.y->x = 4
static const point& coordinate::get_y(const coordinate&)
static const int& point::get_y(const point&)
p.y->y = 5

Note that you need GCC for __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ to work.


As I mentioned in the introduction, I chose to use static member functions for efficiency reasons. Just to give you an idea of how efficient this zero overhead property template is, here is the assembler code for the following simple example:

C++ code:

main ()
  coordinate p = { { 2, 3 }, { 4, 5 } };
  volatile int x = p.x->x;

And the assembler output:

        xorl    %eax, %eax    ; set return value to 0
        movl    $2, -4(%rsp)  ; set the variable 'x' to 2
        ret                   ; return

You can see, how the compiler completely inlined the calls to the accessors and then constant folded the expression, simply copying an immediate integer value to a memory location on the stack.

Non-POD classes

The more interesting classes are all non-POD ones. I have tested the property class template with the strangest configurations I could think of. The only configuration where offsetof fails is this:

struct A
  virtual ~A () { }
struct B1 : virtual A
  int i;
struct B2 : virtual A
struct D : virtual B1, virtual B2

size_t offset = offsetof (D, i);  // This fails
size_t offset = offsetof (B1, i); // This succeeds and is correct

so in fact, the property class never fails. However, I have only tested it on the GNU C++ compiler. Other compilers might mess up, but one thing is for certain: prop being POD allows for 100% standard compliant properties. (Note that cfront, the first C++ compiler, would have done it right, so I don't really see any reason why any compiler could mess it up.)
